Hi I'm Tiiiiiiiiiii. Welcome to my friend's lovely site. You came to the right place if you want to see beautiful creative stuff that comes straight from the heart. This girl is a true gem. Now for what I like to emanate... anything that's pink, sparkles or smiles ignites some special sunshine manifesting power inside of me to get crazy and do what I love doing! Hopefully inspiring other people to do what they want as well. Helping people see their true potential for being happy and fulfilled in their lives and accomplishments is my calling, but first and for most, before being able to provide for anybody, I truly believe in the fact that we must provide for ourselves first. Taking care of our authentic self and staying true to who we are. This is why you can see me put on one of my favorite lip glosses in the pictures above. I take care of myself and my needs first (whatever they are) in order to feel complete enough in myself, to give comfort and love to those who surround me. Namaste to whomever is reading this. The divine light in my salutes the divine light in YOU!